간헐적 단식 커피 Intermittent fasting methods and precautions

How to diet without eating at intervals for a certain period of time Intermittent fasting is emerging these days. This is because it is easy and simple, and you can diet according to your lifestyle.

간헐적 단식 커피
Some celebrities say they are on an intermittent fasting diet, and it is also a diet that goes very well with the eating habits of modern people these days, when they skip breakfast and have a leisurely lunch and dinner!

Intermittent fasting method

The most common intermittent fasting method is 16:8 intermittent fasting, 16 hours on an empty stomach, 8 hours on an empty stomach.

Many people prefer this diet in that you can eat freely as long as you don’t overdo it or overeat during the eight hours you eat.

Usually, people eat intermittent fasting, including lunchtime, from 11 a.m. to 7 a.m. or from 12 a.m. to 8 a.m. Some people skip dinner like this from 8 a.m. to 4 a.m. for stronger and more certain.

간헐적 단식 커피

Cabbage, cucumbers, chicken breasts, eggs, rye bread, black coffee, celery… This is a highly recommended way for those who have a hard time eating three meals with low-calorie protein and vegetables!

However, even this comfortable-looking intermittent fasting diet method has something to pay attention to!

Don’t eat too much and binge eating

There are people who think they can eat anything for eight hours when they are allowed to eat.

Even if it’s not a tight diet method that only allows vegetables, protein, and water, intermittent fasting is also a diet, so overeating and binge eating are absolutely prohibited.

Also, eating too much to make your stomach full just because the food restriction time is approaching doesn’t help your diet at all.

It is important to eat the right amount of food within the right time.
You need to work out at the same time to be effective

The most common 16:8 intermittent fasting method involves an empty stomach for 16 hours. Naturally, the probability of losing muscle mass during that long fasting period increases, so you have to exercise with intermittent fasting to make your body healthier.

The goal is to lose weight, but it is also important to be healthy and strong. You can’t say that you’ve been on the right diet if you only lose your muscles and water.

Even if it’s not too much exercise, you’ll get a better effect only when moderate aerobic and muscular exercises are combined.
Can I drink water and coffee?

Can I drink water and coffee during intermittent fasting? Shouldn’t I just eat chewing food?

That’s the most frequently asked question. The answers are YES and NO. You can drink water, but it’s better not to drink anything, including coffee.

The principle of intermittent fasting is to reduce gastrointestinal activity outside of mealtimes. That is why it is better not to drink soda, milk, or juice, including coffee, other than water.

It’s summer, so you’ll want a cool iced americano, but only eat for 8 hours when you’re allowed to eat and bear with it for a while during an empty stomach!



It is said that the longer the intermittent fasting period, the more likely it is to lead to eating disorders, depression, and binge eating. In addition, it is recommended to shorten it by 1-2 weeks each time you do it, as it can adversely affect your physical health due to the imbalance in nutritional intake and muscle loss.