교도소 면회 신청 Time, procedure and method for prison visits

If you commit a crime, you will be detained in correctional facilities, such as prisons and detention centers. While it is inevitable to remain in correctional facilities as a punishment for committing a crime, it is not humane to completely block contact with the outside world. Prisoners can also visit, and we will learn the time, procedure and method. 교도소 면회 신청

※ Although the term “interview” is used in the “Act on the Execution of a Sentence and the Treatment of Inmates” (abbreviated as the Penal Execution Act), I will describe it as “interview” which is commonly used in this posting.

a prison meeting jasminevista.com
1. Prison Visits Hours and Number of Visits
A. Visiting hours and number of people available
Visits are possible on weekdays, and visits are not conducted on Sundays or holidays. Visitation hours shall be from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays (Article 58 (1) of the Enforcement Decree of the Criminal Execution Act and Article 9 of the Service Regulations of State Public Officials). Provided, That if it is deemed particularly necessary for the edification of inmates or the sound return to society, visitors may be allowed to visit outside of the visitation hours and the visitation hours may be extended.

There are three to five people who can visit at a time, but it varies from prison to prison, so you need to check in advance.

B. Number of visits
The number of times you can license depends on the type of prisoner and the water supply, so please refer to the table below for more information.

Number of divided series교도소 면회 신청
Undecided – once a day
4th grade, 4 times a month
Grade 3 5 times a month
Grade 2 6 times a month
Grade 1 once a day
Worker Water – 5 Times a Month
An undecided prisoner refers to a person whose punishment has not yet been finalized because the criminal trial has not been completed, and a convicted prisoner refers to a person whose punishment has been determined after the criminal trial has been completed. A person has been detained in prison after receiving an order to attract a labor force for failing to pay a labor force fine.

2. a visiting method
A. Visit reservation (application)
The Ministry of Justice is implementing the “interview” reservation system for smooth visitation. The “interview” reservation system allows inmates to wait in the reception room if they make a reservation online or by phone (1363). If they make a reservation in advance, the person can be interviewed after verifying their identity.

You can click on the image below to apply for a visit online.

※ Department of Justice Online Civil Service (Prison Visit Application) Shortcut


B. Precautions for reservation
Reservations can be made from 11 days before the day you wish to visit to the day before the interview.

If you do not visit at the scheduled visit time after making a visitation reservation, you cannot make a visitation reservation for a month from the next day, so it is important to observe the visitation time. If it is difficult to visit due to circumstances, you must cancel the reservation 30 minutes before the reservation time.

※ What is the real reason Ko Yu-jeong was acquitted of the murder of her stepson? (Click image below)

3. Visitation-related references
A. Where visiting is not possible
Visiting is not allowed in the following cases.

When interviews are restricted due to necessity during investigation or punishment execution in violation of the rules in prison
When he went to the court and the prosecutor’s office
When you are preparing to transfer to another school
When the court or the prosecution decides to ban the interview
When you refuse to be interviewed, etc

B. Visiting place
(1) Principle: Contact Blocking Facility
As we have often seen in movies and dramas, visits are in principle held at a place where contact blocking facilities are installed, so prisoners and visitors cannot contact each other.

(2) Exception
Exceptionally, in the following cases, visits are made in places where contact blocking facilities are not installed.

Visiting with a lawyer (lawyer)
Where an inmate meets with a minor child
Good calibration performance
Where it is deemed particularly necessary for edification or sound social rehabilitation
Where the warden deems it particularly necessary for the treatment of a pending prisoner
Where it is deemed that the warden is particularly necessary for the edification or psychological stability of the condemned person

C. Record and record the contents of the visit
The director may have a prison officer listen, record, record, or record the contents of the inmate’s interview in the following cases.

When there is a risk of destroying evidence of a crime or committing an act contrary to criminal statutes
When it is necessary for the edification of inmates or the rehabilitation of healthy society
When it is necessary to maintain the safety and order of facilities

※ Jail, detention center address, phone number (contact number)