소론도정 부작용 Soron Dojeong Efficacy, How to Use It Safely Without Side Effects, and Review the Actual Use of Asthma

“Soron Dojeong, can I take it?” There are a lot of people who are especially worried. It’s a representative systemic steroid, so I think it naturally comes to mind side effects. I summarized the effectiveness of Soron Dojeong, how to use it safely without side effects, and the actual reviews. 소론도정 부작용

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Soronodotomy is a drug that artificially synthesizes adrenocortical hormones in our body. It is also called corticosteroid. It is well known as one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory drugs.

소론도정 부작용

Soron Dojeong Efficacy

In the treatment of asthma with continuous chronic inflammation of the bronchial tubes, urinary tract is very important. It is taken for severe asthma or acute exacerbations that are not well controlled.

In addition, it is used in almost all fields, including endocrine disorders, rheumatoid disorders, collagen diseases, skin diseases, atopic dermatitis, ophthalmic diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, blood diseases, neoplastic diseases, edema diseases, and nervous system diseases.

usage capacity

Generally, 50-60mg of adults is administered 1-4 times a day in installments orally. However, it is increased or decreased at the doctor’s judgment depending on the symptoms.

If necessary, it may be administered up to 8 to 16 pills at a time. When administering this high dose, take it over a strict period of time and do not take it for a long time.

Review of the actual use of Soron Dojeong

Review of the medicine for breath care

“I’ve never taken it all the way for a month, but if I put it together for a week or two, I’ve taken it for about a month. The effect is considerable.

You experience the magic of getting better after taking Soron Dojeong for a few days even though you cannot sleep because it has worsened dramatically in the acute phase and is life threatened a lot. I think I’ve taken up to 3 pills a day.

“However, the side effects are too strong. The oral steroid side effects are, in other words, mouth-watering, but the biggest side effects I’ve experienced are the increase in weight and appetite.”

Review of the medicine for breath care

“I’ve been taking it for quite a long time, and it’s necessary when it gets worse and it’s good, but there were a lot of side effects.

Short-term use includes swelling of the face, food hypertension / Acne, skin thinning, bruising handsome, face swelling, appetite suppression (?) changes, increased risk of infection, etc.”

Steroid side effects, Cushing’s syndrome

Long-term, high-dose use of oral steroids can cause side effects (see the upper YouTube video), but the doctor only prescribes it when the therapeutic effect of using the drug exceeds the risk of side effects, which means that it is more beneficial to use the Soron Dojeong.

Take it safely

1. taking on prescription

You may not take steroids because you are worried that you have been prescribed them. It is recommended to take them according to the doctor’s prescription because this can make the disease worse by missing the timing of treatment.

2. Calcium, magnesium, vitamin D intake

Steroids can reduce bone density by inhibiting calcium absorption in bones. This increases the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. Therefore, it is advisable to eat the appropriate nutrients and do regular weight-bearing exercises (walking, climbing stairs, and strength training).

3. Tapering for high-dose long-term use

A brief dose of steroids is not a problem, but if you have been using high-dose steroids for a long time, you should not suddenly stop taking them. Hormones in the body can become imbalanced and serious side effects can occur. Therefore, we stop by gradually reducing the dose and frequency according to the doctor’s prescription.

In addition to Soron Dojeong, if you would like to learn more about bronchial asthma and COPD medications, check out your breath care right now. All the information and functions you need, from asthma prevention to management, are available for free.