주택관리사 합격기준 Introduction of the contents of the housing manager examination subject, acceptance rate and standard, and exam schedule

Hello! I’m Kim Pro, the education influencer editor. 주택관리사 합격기준

This afternoon, I would like to share with you the subjects of the Housing Manager Examination, the passing rate and acceptance criteria, and the schedule for the exam. The Housing Manager (Boss) Certificate is one of the top three certificates of real estate, along with a licensed real estate agent and an appraiser. And being hired as a manager of apartments and apartments, it’s an opportunity for people after middle age to continue their new careers.


So if you know about this test, it will be helpful.

What is a housekeeper? What is the exam subject?

주택관리사 합격기준

Housing managers are specialists in the operation, management, maintenance and repair of apartment buildings and villas. They are usually members of the company that manages the housing, most of them in apartment buildings and offices. They are essential for our comfortable living environment and should be there.

Based on the work, the subjects for the housing manager exam consist of the first 1) accounting principle, 2) an introduction to apartment facilities, and 3) civil law, and the second subject consists of 1) housing management related laws and 2) apartment management practice.

The contents covered by each subject are as follows.

Contents and scope of questions for each subject of the housing manager examination

The first round of the residential care worker test specifies the criteria for the two subjects excluding accounting principles. Therefore, it is recommended to study what is within these criteria. The first round of exam questions is multiple choice for all subjects.

The scope of the first subject is summarized in the table below, so please refer to it.

The scope of the examination of the first examination subject for the housing manager (bo)


Question range

accounting principle

Fundamentals of accounting, financial position and business performance, and the cycle of accounting

Introduction to Apartment Housing Facilities

General Building Structures and Steel Structures Excluding Wood Structures/Special Structures

Introduction to Architectural Facilities including Home Network

Building Accumulation for Establishment of Long-Term Repair Plan, etc

civil law

Among the general rules, real rights, and bonds

General rules, general rules of contract, sale, lease, contract, delegation, unfair gain, illegal activities

The second test also has a set of questions like some subjects from the first. However, if there is a difference from the first test, it is a mixture of multiple choice and short answer questions. Therefore, it is recommended that you check the criteria for the second test and prepare more thoroughly than the first.

The criteria for the 2nd housing manager examination are as follows.

The scope of the 2nd examination course for housing managers (bo)


Question range

Regulations related to housing management

The Housing Act, the Apartment Housing Management Act, and the Special Act on Private Rental Housing

The Special Act on Public Housing, the Building Act, the Framework Act on Fire Fighting,

Act on the Prevention and Safety Management of Fire

Act on the Installation and Management of Fire-Fighting Facilities, Act on the Safety Management of Elevators

Electricity Business Act, Special Act on Safety and Maintenance of Facilities

Urban and Residential Environment Improvement Act, Special Act for the Promotion of Urban Refinancing

Among the Act on Ownership and Management of Collective Buildings

Questions from regulations related to housing management

Multi-family housing management practice

Facility management, environmental management, apartment accounting management, tenant management,

theory of joint housing management, external affairs, office work, personnel management

Safety/prevention management and remodeling, multi-family housing defect management (including repair work) etc

Acceptance criteria

The criteria for passing the housing manager are the first absolute evaluation and the second relative evaluation.

The criteria for passing the first test are stipulated as “40 points or more for each subject, 60 points or more for all subjects on average.” On the other hand, in the second round, the first standard is applied, but high scorers are required to pass first within the range of the number of people to be selected. Therefore, it would be better to study carefully considering the relative evaluation.

the passing rate of an examination

The housing manager acceptance rate was 21.8% for the first time in 2022 and 78.5% for the second time. But it’s just a number that shows up, which doesn’t mean that the second time is easy. Considering that the percentage of people who passed the test at the same time is about 50%, it’s a hard enough test.

So it’s better to study more thoroughly and meticulously.

2023 Examination Schedule

Finally, let’s look at the test schedule.

The 2023 housing manager exam schedule is July 8th for the first time and September 16th for the second time. The exam will be held around the same time as above next year, so it would be better to select an online lecture company or choose an examination form from now on.

That’s all for the article about related information such as the housing manager (bo) exam subject. Have a good weekend, and I hope you study hard!